Healthy Sleep - 5 Foods That Make You Sleep Better

There are many people who are in the trouble of having healthy sleep. Some others are not able to stay asleep. The reason for the sleeping problem could be anything, but you are not alone, you are one of the 50 million of Americans who are not satisfied with their sleep.

The benefits of sleeping at night are countless. Sleep can keep you physically healthy and happy, sharp your brain, strengthen your immune system, trim the waistline, keep your skin young and control your blood pressure along with heart disease.

5 Foods that help you to make a Healthy Sleep

The message of new study suggested by the Pennsylvania University is“Eat crappy,sleep crappy”.They reported that healthy sleep depends on the most different diets.They play a good role to regulate your sleep.Here are 5 Foods that help you to make a Healthy Sleep: 

1. Fish

Fishes are full of tryptophan, which contain the natural sedative. In the halibut, tuna, cod, and shrimp have the higher level of the natural sedative than turkey. But, you should remember that all seafood is not healthy because some of them have highly contaminants for the methods of processing and caching. Fishes also contain some healthy oils and vitamins that important to keep your heart and body fit. A sound body can produce a sound sleep, is a well-known proverb. So, having fish at the night time is good for healthy sleep. 

2. Healthy fats for Heart

The fats that are unsaturated boost your heart and improve serotonin levels, and it helps to make you sleep better. You can find unsaturated fats in peanut butter and nuts like pistachios, cashews, almonds, and walnuts. You should avoid the foods that are with trans fats and saturated fats like French fries, high-fat snacks, and potato chips. They make the serotonin levels down to raise the problem of good sleep. 

3. Cherries

In a study, the participants drank the juice of cherry in the morning about 8 ounces and another 8 ounces juice in the evening. They have continued it for 2 weeks, and they reported better sleeping outcome from it. It works because the cherries are rich in high melatonin hormone, which improve your sleeping habits. You can also eat one cup of whole cherries instead of juice at night as a night snack for healthy sleep. 

4. Fresh herbs

The calming effect in your body can get from fresh herbs. For example, basil and sage have the chemicals to reduce anxiety and promote a good sleep. You can try basil and sage with pasta sauce by doing it in your home. It’s simple to make, and the sauces that are made at home tend to lower sugar levels to reduce sleeping disorders. But, you must avoid the herbs like black pepper or red pepper at night, because they have the effect of stimulation.

5. Carb & Protein

The combination of carb and protein in your foods works for better sleep with fulfilling of protein deficiency. So, you can think about granola, banana, oatmeal, whole-grain cereal and almonds for healthy sleep. 
Moreover, you can consider these 5 Foods that help you to make a Healthy Sleep along with cottage cheese with low fat, apple and throw your tension on the pillow & have healthy sleep with sweet dreams!
